What is Open-Realty®?

If you’d like enter real estate business, you’ll want a site to promote your services. And with Open-Realty®, you can get your realty site completely ready very quickly.

Open-Realty® is the most renowned framework for generating specialized real estate sites. It gives a lot of free templates, a built–in WYSIWYG publisher for taking care of your pages, a built–in blogging platform for keeping a blog. And you’re able to insert listings into your blog articles, without having to use any plugins or addons. You can create listings with a variety of images and create virtual tours. Also everything is completed in a SEO–friendly way, which means your site can be indexed by any search engine.

Open-Realty® is a registered trademark of Transparent Technologies, Inc. and shares no connection with SystemShells.com.

Open-Realty®–Optimized Linux Web Hosting Packages Services

With SystemShells.com, you’re able to start your real–estate company. The dedicated Open-Realty® Linux web hosting packages offers feature an intelligent Open-Realty® configuration. A free domain name registration/transfer is included too. Thus, as soon as you log into your Hosting Control Panel, your brand–new Open-Realty® web site will be accessible on the internet for you to personalize.

All Open-Realty®–optimized Linux web hosting packages plans feature unlimited disk space, unrestricted data traffic and infinite MySQL database storage space allocations, frequent data backups as well as a 99.9% server uptime guarantee. Therefore, it is possible to give attention to working on your web site as well as on broadening your firm without worrying about your web hosting account.

A Point & Click Hosting Control Panel

Each of our Open-Realty®–dedicated Linux web hosting packages packages comes with SystemShells.com’s specialized Hosting Control Panel. It’s made to live completely in the cloud, it’s available in multiple languages and it furthermore allows you to handle your websites as well as domain names from one location. What’s more, it’s filled with no charge instruments and bonuses.

Our Free Web Applications tool enables you to install over 40 favored apps, no configuration is needed. We have developed a live stats system, that will become operational when your site goes online – our Web Stats Manager. We’ve designed a solution to safely upload your files by just simply dragging them within your web browser by employing SystemShells.com’s File Manager. And much, much more.