Web Site Optimization Tools
100% free Web Site Optimization Tools for your web site

With the range of Web Site Optimization Tools included in the Hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to begin popularizing your completely new website, once it has been created. With the RSS News syndication software, you can easily put a frequently revised notifications area on your website. Using the GeoIP re–direction instrument, you can quickly reroute your traffic according to their country. Moreover, from the Sitemap Generator, you can make a complete sitemap for your web site and send it to the search engines.
A Sitemap Generator
A sitemap creator incorporated right into your Hosting Control Panel
If you have just brought out your web site and want it to get scanned quicker by the the major search engines, or if you need to present your clients a fast method to navigate through all of your pages, you will need to utilize a sitemap. Sitemap can be described as a list of all the webpages on your website that are linked to. Generally, you need to go with third–party instruments to to get that done, however with SystemShells.com, you have access to a Sitemap Generator incorporated straight into the Hosting Control Panel.
The Sitemap Generator our company offers is generally convenient to use and since it’s perfectly compatible with the cloud Linux web hosting packages platform – your web site will be scanned very quickly.
GeoIP Redirection
Physical location–focused redirections with just a mouse click
SystemShells.com provides you with a simple way to redirect your visitors on the basis of physical location. Via the GeoIP re–direction tool, you’ll be able to route all of the customers who come from a certain area to a native language version of your site. For instance, if you’ve got an Italian variant of your website, you can quickly forward all the site visitors coming from Italy to that web page rather than asking them to move to Italian after they visit the English variation. This enables you to present your visitors with a natural on–site stay from the very beginning.
There is no need for virtually any particular abilities or technical comprehension to utilize the GeoIP redirection application. Everything is set up with only a mouse click.
RSS News
Present the most up–to–date publications within your site
What exactly is RSS? RSS represents a technology for publishing and collecting information. It is becoming commonly used by media sites, individual weblogs, newscasts, etc. The published information is quickly picked up from a news aggregator and then shown to the user. Using RSS, customers can easily collect announcements from different websites and review them in a single area.
With the RSS News application, you can easily integrate headlines feeds from many of the world’s most widely used publication outlets and present them within your site.