What is Moodle?

Moodle can be depicted as an application for creating dynamic online courses. Designed for presenting teachers the ideal tools for content display and learning assessment purposes, it is now highly regarded amongst professors globally. Moodle is an open–source app, which is maintained by a considerable community throughout the world and that presently serves about 7 million e–learning sites and over a million lecturers.

Moodle can be used as a high school web site or for a major university student web site with numerous end users. A number of organizations employ it as a system for conducting web based courses. Moodle provides a selection of activity modules (for example – community forums, databases and wikis) for building richly collaborative e–learning communities.

Moodle is a registered trademark of Martin Dougiamas and is not connected with SystemShells.com.

E-School Linux Web Hosting Packages Services

Supposing that you manage a web based course for pupils, your website needs to be constantly available on the www, no matter how many pupils are seeing it simultaneously. At SystemShells.com you’ll discover specialized E-School Linux web hosting packages services with 99.9% service uptime, guaranteed. So regardless of what happens, your website will stay available.

All of our E-School Linux web hosting packages plans additionally include limitless disk space, limitless data traffic and unrestricted MySQL storage. To kick–start your educative website, we also supply you with 100% free domain name registration or domain transfer. Additionally, we will set up Moodle for your website as soon as you register. Thus, when you log in into your control panel, you will have your Moodle site already online, waiting for you.

A Point & Click Hosting Control Panel

If you maintain an online course, it’s important to spend as much time as you can on your program rather than on web site supervision. This is exactly why it’s essential to have a control panel that’s as simple to use as possible – our Hosting Control Panel.

It is built atop SystemShells.com’s custom made web hosting system and it’s made to work with it exclusively. This gives our Hosting Control Panel a considerable advantage in efficiency, stability and reliability over alternative control panels. And additionally, our control panel is brimming with tools and bonuses which can help you more effectively control your site. Using our File Manager, Domain Name Manager, Email Accounts Manager, Web Stats Manager and Databases Manager you will notice how a chore like web site supervision can turn into something simple and pleasant.