We have listed a considerable amount of Advanced Resources with the SystemShells.com Hosting Control Panel. All these tools will let you do hassle–free jobs like safeguarding a directory using a security password or way more complex ones like, for example, altering the PHP build of your account. Although the jobs they do vary, each of the Advanced Resources have a single similarity. They are extremely easy to use and call for absolutely no special abilities from you.

Hotlink Protection

Defend yourself from data transfer theft

When you come up with genuine content material there is always someone who will try to get hold of it without your approval. It applies simultaneously to written content and visuals. This is where the Hotlink Protection tool integrated into our Hosting Control Panel will really help you. With simply a click of the mouse, you’ll guard all visuals on your website by preventing other websites from linking to them.

Using this method, you will not only prevent other people from using your pics, but you will also ensure you adhere to your monthly data traffic limitation.

Hotlink Protection

.htaccess generator

Computerized creation of .htaccess files

At SystemShells.com, you’ll get full access to the .htaccess file of one’s web site, to make sure you could make as much corrections as you wish. Adding just a few lines in the configuration file, you’ll be able to direct your website to another web address, or establish security password protection for a picked directory, etc.

Using the almighty .htaccess Generator in the Hosting Control Panel, you do not need to have any know–how about .htaccess files. Merely convey to the tool what you want to carry out as well as for exactly which website, afterwards click the Save button. SystemShells.com’s clever platform will generate the .htaccess file to suit your needs in seconds.

.htaccess Generator

IP blocking

Block out harmful IPs from your website

Once you have a well–ranked site, ultimately you become a victim of spammers and destructive website visitors. You can easily guard all of your sites from this sort of behavior through the IP blocking instrument integrated into our Hosting Control Panel. The tool can assist you to efficiently obstruct an IP address or possibly a full array of IPs by using a click of the mouse.

Combined with our complete web stats and our GeoIP redirection software tools, the IP Blocking tool will help you to successfully manage the access to your site.

IP Blocking

PHP configuration

Modify the PHP rules for one’s web site

If the web application you use requires a special PHP release, or, if you have to make any PHP alterations, it’s easy to make this happen from the SystemShells.com Hosting Control Panel. You are able to change the PHP build with only a click of your computer mouse, choosing from older PHP editions to the most recent stable PHP launch. You might also immediately alter the most vital settings inside of the php.ini file, or create a total change of how your PHP build performs.

You will not need to wait patiently for hours and hours or reactivate anything for the changes to take effect. The changes are implemented on the Internet when you save them.

PHP Configuration

Cron Jobs

Create automated scheduled jobs

If there is a report that you need to perform on a daily basis, or, perhaps there are numerous automatic jobs you’d like your site to execute, then cron jobs are exactly the thing you need. From the SystemShells.com Hosting Control Panel, it’s easy to create and take care of all kinds of cron jobs. We have launched a relatively easy way to generate a cron job. It normally takes just one minute for a new task to become scheduled for execution.

Cron jobs are provided by each of our cloud hosting plans. Each encompasses a varied range of cron jobs. More cron jobs can be bought as an upgrade if you wish.

Cron jobs

Password Protection

Good way to secure all your data files

If you’d like to generate a place within your web site that can be visible merely to the people you’d like, you can make full use of our Password Protection instrument. Making use of it you can quickly generate a password protected folder which will be encrypted and available simply to you and anybody whom you share the logon details with.

The directory is going to be guarded at once and no person else will be able to see what exactly is inside. You will be the one individual who’ll be capable of alter or switch it if you do not decide to authorize additional clients to reach it.

Password Protection

URL redirection

URL re–direction with a couple of mouse–clicks

With the SystemShells.com Hosting Control Panel, you are able to quickly reroute your web site to another area by way of our URL Redirection tool. It’s truly convenient–to–use – everything you need to do is identify just where your web site is going to be pointing to. No need for any kind of .htaccess files, PHP redirections whatsoever, DNS settings, etcetera to be set. Your domain will be rerouted towards the completely new location directly.

You can actually cancel the website redirection any time. Everything you are required to complete is navigate to the URL Redirection tool and turn off the domain re–direction. After that your domain name will rapidly begin going to its original location.

URL Redirection